Susan at Green Acres Elementary Learning Garden installation day
Susan serves as guest speaker at Compass Academy’s preschool graduation in Ward 5
Dedication of Habitat for Humanity homes in Ward 5
Ward 5 neighborhood clean-up day
Ward 5 neighborhood clean-up day
Susan participates in the Principal for the Day program at Green Acres Elementary with Principal Ashley Bacon Mize
Installation of sign for Ward 5 Neighborhood Watch program
A Ward 5 resident contemplates a future in firefighting at a block party for the inauguration of the Neighborhood Watch party
Smyrna Veteran's Day service
Susan Wilkinson is a Champion for All Citizens in Ward 5
My pledge to you is simple – to support your interests and priorities. This is more than just a campaign promise, it is what I have done over my 12 years as your councilwoman. And you don’t have to take my work for it –- read what your fellow citizens have to say about the impact I have had on their life in Smyrna.
Susan, we are thrilled to know that you are once again running for Smyrna City Council, Ward 5.
We have been living in Ward 5 since we were annexed into the City of Smyrna numerous years ago. Before you were elected to this Ward we had no personal contact with a council member, could not get questions answered or concerns taken care of or any knowledge of important meetings.
It has been a breath of fresh air in our neighborhood to have someone truly working on our behalf. You have always been available when we call you or send you an email. You have kept us informed of anything happening in our Ward or the City that we should be aware of. Not only do we feel this way others around us feel the same way as you have worked hard on their behalf as well.
Ward 5 would be losing a real asset to our community if you are not re-elected. We want someone in this Ward that has roots in this Ward and has lived in the Ward long enough to know the history of what has happened in this area, abreast with what is happening or will happen keeping us in the loop so we can all be informed citizens.
You will have our support as long as you want to be a Council member.
Linnie Reaves

Susan regularly joins Light of the World Church volunteers for their Adopt-A-Mile clean-up on South Cobb Drive in Ward 5.
Thank you for your efforts this afternoon! It gives me great pleasure to know that you are always willing to listen… and even crawl through a hole in the fence… climb over rocks… to us. You are a good Council Woman!
Randy Jordon
My husband and I have lived in Ward 5 since 1997. Until eight years ago when Susan first ran for office we’d never heard from any of our councilpersons.
We initially voted for her because she was the only candidate who actually came out to talk directly to the people who live in the ward she wanted to represent. We have voted for her in subsequent campaigns, both because of our experiences with her, and because to this day she remains the only candidate who has ever made the effort to speak to us personally.
More than once during her time in office she has called me, sent an email, or come knocking on my door to keep me informed about something happening in the neighborhood. When Croy Engineering was planning to remove the traffic light at the end of Belmont Circle that lets our neighborhood (which includes two apartment complexes) turn out onto Windy Hill, she made the residents who would be affected aware of it, and she held a special meeting with the neighborhood and key city and project officials where our voices could be heard. The neighborhood was overwhelmingly against having the light removed prior to the construction of the project, and because she worked on our behalf we had the opportunity to keep that from happening.
Susan will continue to have our vote.
Julie and David Sims